We offer the following services:
Birth of a baby
A marriage
The coming of age of a child
A new chapter in your life
Moving to a new job, house, or relationship
Giving up an addiction
Accomplishing a goal or set of goals
The traumas we experience take a toll on us, but the effects of trauma vary from individual to individual. In our current society, we often use psychological methods to deal with most traumas and feelings of incompleteness. Whether it’s someone who has been in an accident, lost a loved one, been in an abusive relationship, faced memory gaps of a part of their lives, or any one of a thousand other things, we often dissociate a part of ourselves, most often as a mechanism of protection. If you’ve ever felt incomplete, it’s because your intuitive self knows that a part of you is missing.
Soul recovery is about journeying into other forms of reality to return the broken pieces and reintegrate them into ourselves. It’s a shamanistic tool because, generally, what sets the shaman apart from other healers is the journeying he/she does. Healing shamanistic journeys have been conducted in most cultures and all parts of the world, from Siberia to South America and North America to Australia.
Soul recovery is a means of finding and reintegrating those dissociated pieces. There are many other forms of reality to find the missing pieces and various methods for their recovery. Although someone else finds your parts for you, it doesn’t mean you have no responsibility. Once the pieces are found, it is up to the person who has suffered the trauma to keep the reintegration process going and ensure those parts stay integrated.
You may wonder how you know if you’ve suffered soul loss and what the steps are for a soul retrieval journey. Some of the signs that may point to soul loss are depression, the inability to ground oneself, feelings of detachment, chronic illness, addictions, inability to let go of certain things in your life, a sense of emptiness, etc.
When you have found a shamanistic facilitator you want to work with, he/she undertakes a journey, based on a specific ceremony, on your behalf to other worlds or dimensions where these pieces are. With the help of a guide, the shaman can bring back a certain number of pieces. For the next month, it is up to you to communicate with these pieces, listen to what they have to say, and help them reintegrate into who you are. After a few months, you may want the shaman to undertake a second journey to see if more pieces are ready to return. The more traumatized pieces often do not return on the first journey. It’s as if it’s understood that the reintegration of all the pieces takes time and can require a slow adjustment period, and so the pieces come back in an order from least traumatized to most traumatized.
The purpose of the journey is to find and help heal these fragmented pieces of your soul. The shaman will tell you about the journey, explaining the pieces, the circumstances, and what was required. In some instances, you will know exactly what he/she’s talking about, and in some cases, you will have to think about what the events may represent. They may be transparent as glass, or they may be couched in allegory.
Recognizing where and how the fragmentation took place can accelerate the reintegration process. You may be in a much different place now from when the piece dissociated, and the integration can be smooth and effortless. Each piece and each person is different. During reintegration, you listen and converse with the returned pieces and continue to accelerate your healing. You open yourself up more to the various means of communicating with your higher self and get more significant insights into your true self and soul.
Click here to see our up-to-date calendar of upcoming events.
Our workshops are intended to expand your spiritual and emotional well-being.
Love! We all want it and seldom know how to open ourselves up to receive more love in our lives. This workshop will address unconditional love and how we can create more of it in our lives; by giving and receiving it. Join us for this evening to learn the alchemy of the heart.
Examine how much karma you still carry and the steps you
can take to eliminate your baggage. All cultures have a day of
judgment for self-examination. You will assess yourself by the ancient
Egyptian 42 questions of life.
An evening dedicated to grieving and getting closure on not
just the loss of loved ones but dreams and expectations of how
we expected life to turn out. Loss is not an ending but a transition to newness and growth. The evening will be
concluded with a guided meditation to heal loss and move on
to create new beginnings.
Discovering your spirituality and setting out a plan for
a sacred life. The evening will conclude with a guided
meditation to connect to your spiritual awareness.
We will celebrate the festivals of light Christmas and Chanukah.
Winter Solstice and how to overcome your fears that can block the realization of your dreams and wishes. Join us for this event that will open the road to achieving your new year’s resolutions.
Learn to connect to your angels, spirit guides, and totems. An
exercise will be facilitated to identify your animal totem. Tap
into the importance of gratitude. The evening will conclude
with a guided meditation to connect with your spirit guide. We
will honor the upcoming Chinese New Year and discuss the
different animal years.
Open your mind to how to overcome addiction by being one
with yourself and understanding the world around you. We will
examine the Buddhist concept of mindfulness and conduct a
ritual to assist in overcoming addiction.
Learn to utilize this ancient tool to understand other spiritual
systems. It will help in overcoming problems in your life
today. We will explore how the Tree of Life symbol contains
numerology, astrology, tarot, the ancient Hebrew alphabet, the
Ten commandments and the chakras. Realize how the Tree of Life
is directly connected to all current and ancient religions. Explore
the roots of this symbol incorporated in most religions.
We all know the term chakra – but few understand what it means. In
Sanskrit means “wheel” or your inner energy world. Join us in
this workshop to discover the chakras. What they do, what they
are, and how you can find a chakra block and release it. We will
use colors, Bach remedies, California Essences, food, movement,
therapies, aromatherapy, stone, and breath work to clear blocks.
The workshop will be concluded with a guided meditation through
the chakras.
In many ancient religions, the spring equinox was the
beginning of the year. We will look at these spiritual systems and celebrate the Persian New Year. Jump start the new year
with a series of exercises and rituals to manifest the year
you want and learn about the twelve days of creation.
A special presentation honoring Passover and
Easter, in which you will understand what imprisons you, and
how to free yourself from it.
An evening dedicated to understanding your dreams and
learning that God speaks to us through them. Impact your
healing using your goals. The evening will be concluded
with a guided meditation.
SPIRITUAL FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: Defending Your Life Starring Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep
Yuppie Daniel Miller is killed in a car accident and goes to Judgment City, a waiting room for the afterlife. During the day, he must prove in a courtroom-style process that he successfully overcame his fears (a challenging task, given the miserable life we are shown); at night, he falls in love with Julia, the only other young person in town. Nights are a time of hedonistic pleasure since you can (for instance) eat all you want without getting fat. Written by Jon Reeves ([email protected])
All of your life is on videotape — or perhaps laser disk — to make it easier on your prosecutor and defense attorney at Judgment City to randomly access a few episodes to show whether you made the most of the life you just completed. If you didn’t make the most of that life, you would be sent back to try again and again until you got it right. And the court must be taking an advance peek at that life tape. Posh accommodations go to those who look like they will merit moving up to citizens of the universe — like Julia, who falls for Daniel, whose quarters have no ambiance. Written by Dale O’Connor ([email protected])
What would GOD say if he had a conversation with you? You will be surprised by what the author shares with readers in this best-selling book, which may resonate and change how you see GOD. Conversations with God -Book One relates Neale Donald Walsch’s conversations with GOD. This book has opened the hearts and minds of millions to the possibilities of living with more beauty, love, and truth than they ever imagined possible.
SPIRITUAL FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: The Ten Commandments Starring Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, and Anne Baxter
To escape the edict of Egypt’s Pharaoh, Rameses I, condemning all first-born Hebrew males, the infant Moses is set adrift on the Nile in a reed basket. Saved by the pharaoh’s daughter Bithiah, he is adopted by her and brought up in the court of her brother, Pharaoh Seti. Moses gains Seti’s favor, the love of the throne princess Nefertiri, and the hatred of Seti’s son, Rameses. When his Hebrew heritage is revealed, Moses is cast out of Egypt, and makes his way across the desert, where he marries, has a son, and is commanded by God to return to Egypt to free the Hebrews from slavery. In Egypt, Moses’s fiercest enemy is not Rameses but someone near him who can ‘harden his heart. Written by Ron Kerrigan ([email protected])
Moses leads the slaves from the tyranny of the Egyptian pharaoh and into the desert, where he is later given the law of God. Once the pharaoh’s chief architect, Moses receives the attention of the Queen until he rebels and is cast into exile. Written by Keith Loh ([email protected])
Do you ever wonder why things happen? Do you feel bad things happen to good people? As much as it sounds like a cliché, everything does happen for a reason. Together we will delve into the universe’s inner workings with the hope that it will allow you to feel more peace and understanding. We will also discuss the differences between free will and destiny and what choices we can make to change our futures.
This talk provides the opportunity to enhance our understanding of the ancient art of Astrology that can create a bridge from the deepest parts of ourselves to the whole universe around us. Many faiths believe that our souls choose when we are born and to what parents. Whether or not you believe this, your heart and mind will be opened to fresh possibilities, and new respect may be obtained for cosmic influences affecting your life. Come and be surprised by what you can discover!
But do we ever really move on if all we do is obtain a divorce? We shared our life, hopes, dreams, and soul with our partners.
A physical divorce isn’t enough.
Why not incorporate a ritual to sever the spiritual ties we no longer want to bind?
While you may have broken free legally, you may still be spiritually connected to your former partner. Our customized divorce ritual gives you a spiritual break to cleanse yourself and free you to move on.