Rabbi David Gellman
Rabbi David Gellman is our Director and founder. He launched UOUFC in 1996 as a universal, interfaith spiritual community that breaks down the barriers of religious divisiveness and reconnects people to their roots. This mission provides a path for individuals seeking a greater sense of spirituality in their lives. No one is turned away and all life cycle events can be honored. Ordained as a Rabbi, he is a great proponent of the Jewish Interfaith community ensuring inter-faith couples obtain the life cycle events they seek and can stay connected with their Jewish roots.
[/ezcol_2third_end] [ezcol_1third]Reverend Alex Gellman
Reverend Alex Gellman PhD, is an ordained interfaith Reverend and health care professional. As a certified grief therapist, she is the director of the UOUFC grief support group program, unique in its approach as it examines grief from the perspective of all loss. An expert on the dream and energy modalities of life, she facilitates many workshops on dreams, meridian and chakra spiritual connectivity, helping individuals reconnect with spirituality, intuition, creativity and the universe.
[/ezcol_2third_end] [ezcol_1third]Chiara Ferrante
Chiara Ferrante RN, BScN, is a psychiatric nurse with specialized training and extensive experience in grief facilitation and crisis intervention. She uses these skills and her additional training in a number of complementary healing modalities while assisting people to overcome their losses and find strength to embrace life anew.